Differential Equations

At its most broadest definition differential equations are equations that contain a derivative in some capacity. In application, these equations generally take the from:

We consider finding the function as solving the differential equation and is the main focus of this area of study.

The acronym ODE refers to ordinary differential equation. See the class notes index for a list of lectures and lecture notes.

It should be noted that differential equations are not a "clean" subject, there is no universal way to solve a differential equation and many are impossible to solve. Different approaches must be taken depending on the properties of the differential equation in question.

Solution Types

Much like the information lost when taking a derivative we cannot always pull all the necessary information about a solution from a differential equation.

  • make a graph here that shows a slope field the general solution and a particular solution

Instead we break up our solutions into two main types: a general solution which does not provide a starting point for a line but instead essentially incudes all possible solutions and a particular solution which is a single solution picked from all the possibilities the general solution provides.

Slope fields are useful for showing general solutions.
